Sunday, June 17, 2012

Students i ols!

Salam and happy isnin semo2... introducing my comels students yg dirindui setiap ms. rindunye bebudak 4pa1, 4ss2, 4k2.. they meant a lot to me. gile rindu the moment yg dulu2 tu. kan best if ms can turn back. berangan je la mek oi. now duties for today dh attain. so free to launching here bwek :P. in order to release beberape ketentionan yg ada, so jengah jap sini. hope u guys enjoy to drop by dkt blog semak ni. based on the pics and the title above, indeed i rindu kan those memories with mereka semua. they lighting up my day before when i was at SMKTMU. once upon a time.... nie nak cite nie... ah malas la. mcm2 baik buruk suka duka manis pahit happened in that school. sukar kot nak lupa. i dulu ngajor form 4 utk subjek elektif account for major, ekonomi dan pd. account students hakikatnye i rs di highly appreciated la. ahakz. mereka so bagus sampaikan byk bende yg i just reveal the basic then they settle up all the assignment very efficient and punctual. am so proud di beri that opportunity mengajar mereka. sampai kan u know that i menitis kan the tears yg very mahal ini in front of them di saat last day i di sana. oh sgt malu bile di ingatkan balik. the rest ekonomi dan pd students pun x kurang hebat jugak. mereka need more attention from teacher. semamangnye i guru baru at that time di beri tanggungjawab utk handle those kelas2 belakang yg sgt mencabar ptt diberi pujian. haha angkat bakul sendiri plok. tp seronok when mereka menceriakan suasana dan class lesson jd x boring plus comfortable dengan cara pengajaran yg diberi build satu relationship yg sukar di imagine kan. wallaaa :) itulah one of the nikmat menjadi seorang guru differ to d other profession. ok la menceceh lelebih pulak. ok sambung yg lain pulop. dadaaa sayang sayang semooo. odios. -atia-

Keje time :)

Salam and happy working gegals and boboys :)walaupun hari ini hari ahad, hari/cuti minggu rakyat malaysia, tetapi tidak di kelate state u ols. ahad is working day okay! kami sume bekerja dengan tekun dan semangat (:P dengan tangan di bahu mataku pandang ke atas) kehkehkeh. today, dengan gigihnya i dtg ke opis kesayanganku :P again dengan tangan dibahu dan mata pandang ke ats. hahaha. ikhlas ke x keje nie. ape la miss atia nie kan. x thankful langsung. aipp siap kata? ikhlas di hati, who knows.. Allah knows.. everyday coming to workplace with hopes i settle up cases yg diberi. try to solve daily duties/cases. oo yaa.. my duties here settling cust cases either their billing problems or connection problems. most of all, working areas more to systems literate. kan i dh cite begins yg i sgt blur at first week in here. sbb nye xpaham system. yela i bukannye budak comp science. i budak educator okay. accounting lagi okay. so dengan kata lain layak ke aku di dalam sini ye. kwang kwang kwang. tp kalo x layak y i been chosen by depa2 tu sume ek. think about it la yek. tp aku bersyukur dpt keje sini. xde la stress sgt. tgl pun di hometown sendiri compared to others yg di perantauan. byk extra money kena cr to survive tmpt org. tp aku sini chillex je. for now pegi keje pun org ngantor. hebat kan. dah kata datin :P. and sebab musabab i rajin update baby bloggy sejak memenjak ni kan, kan dh keje so hr2 on9, so hr2 bkk blog okay. cuma sempat x sempat je. time xbusy/case dh tutup baru la ley singgah coret2 sini. power di mata makin menebal, makin kepudaran. adoyai rosak mato den, kawen belom gak lg. nasib bek bubu i pon syame. si rabun gaks. :P. to story dalam department i nie kan. indeed, xde langsung pacar2 hensem yg boley i ushar2/cuci mata nie. gatal tu biasa le. eh gelenya la oghe kelate kato. belom kawen pe de salah. tp i nie setia okay. o yeah. :P. confession titik nokhtah tanda seru! :D. ok dah la sambung sooner la. sbb its 5 oledi. so kena kemas meja and time to pulang ke rumah, sok pepagi i yg pertama sampai ofis, dh kata pekerja junior cute lg.(cute ke :P) harus la kan dtg pepagi bute, siap tolong bkk kan aircond and lampu lg. memang pekerja contoh dan layak di jadikan PA boss.. haha u wish cik atia! poyo! ok dah sok ade masa i singgah again. bye bye kawans maya. lop ya. ~atia~

Monday, June 4, 2012


Salam and happy greeting all, Salam sihat kesemuanya Entry currently special goes to parents ku tersayang. nyawa saya. primary backbone, without mereka saya tidak akan attain sampai ke level ini sekarang. owes pada mereka Allah knows everything. time to repay them started when I am working. even I am not afford to pay them all, I just try it out for sake of membalas segala jasa mereka. the sweetest parents is here. refer pic below next post will be the engagement pics, waiting waiting :P , sayang you readers :-* -atia-

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Work Oledi :)

Salam and happy working everyone.. happy mencari rezeki everyone :) so long time I did not write in here bcoz the days so busy and lots of things that comes and go so very fast. perhaps the next coming day I will always keep on date with my baby bloggy diary and have time to spend ideas here. according to the title above , I currently working with Telekom Malaysia Kota Bharu as one of the pegawai here. Thank You Allah for bring me back here. new things learnt here. the environment was ok but theres no any hensem boy staff here who I can usha2 or cuci mata :P wawawa , BUBU tahu nie mmg parah babe.kehkehkeh. the fisrt week here, so blury with the TM systems, even learning way is quite boring and so complicated , I just learn for make it perfect and better. I should be Thankful enough to everyone who gave me the guide and their decision in order to choose this kind of job. it was because, theres no any stress on job duties. maybe Im still new here and the process of learning is still on. so the working duties yg pressure not pass up to me. so good for me as well, rite. ooo one more thing, end of last year, i sudah menjadi someone fiance. lalala. he is of course incik BUBU , the one and only I love for. the wedding date still in our planning. we decided to choose end of this year, but I prefer to postpone by next year to avoid flood plus I newly registered in working areas, so at time I need a time to collect some money brings to the wedding expense as well kan. takkan fully I nak depends on parents. sooner I will update with the engagement pics okay. c u then. AsSalam everyone. with love, -atia-