Thursday, January 20, 2011

22 THINGs on ME

Salam and whaSsuppp with the smiley face anyway.. haihh!~ just to add some spice to make it even more controversial sebenarnyee. this entry maybe better left unsaid but i can never keep it to myself cuz it just my nature to share. sharing something appropriate  (or maybe sometimes not that appropriate) is my policy *shake hands*  eherm is so awful! Gosh awful or unlucky???##$$%%..pagi2 wake up ke kelas, tup2 kelas canceled. huh! irritating me! i can't even decide which one is the best to label today! below are the ingredients of my dipsh** day. i know unappropriate need to be censored. ;| . the things on me, the titles exactly all about me. lets cekidout babe. zass

1. name betul saye ade 1 but name tipu ade banyak. kawan2 byk call me GG, Atia (of course) , G, T, Issabella ;). but family saye biasenye call me Ateh, Kakak or KaK GG(mostly the cousions). paling saye suke of course Atia. 

2. Ateh ni family saye yg bagi. they liked that name a lot. Ateh actually in bahasa philiphine 'KAKAK'. so memandangkan saye anak pertame perempuan, so Jadi la name timang2 tinggi i. 

3. anak Kedua and saye ade abg besar. 

4. abg besar saye betul2 3 tahun lebih tua dari saye. the AMRIEL! mamat romeo and the famous lelaki kat skol we all dulu2. sebabnya dia playboy. di sebabkan kefamousan dia, saye pun famous sekali. wah! ;)

5. saye adelah seorang Jamadilakhir/GEMINE/bertahun Monyet/June.

6.  saye rimas dgn org pengotor dan x kemas brg elok2. contohnye lepas minum letak atas meja instead of basuh or Balik rumah letak beg sepah2 instead of simpan kat tempat sepatutnye. tolong buat bende tu semua on the spot!

7. allergic to dust. kalau dust x wujud kan bagus atau ade invention such as dust-proof. mmg kompom i beli!

8. saye suke pegi mall utk sight seeing and shoppingggg. 

9. i shop when needed. yeke?? time duit kering jek kot! haha.  but i love beli groceries and saye byk invest duit on food/beverages.

10. i think i'm fussy. 

11. always mistaken by people as someone who talks a lot all the time. yes! i'm a chatter but only to certain people at certain times. when letih/X ada mood/ xsuke org.. i will shut up like nobody business!
12. kadang2 saye rase saye mcm pompuan lemah lembut. sbb saye tak tgk bola, xsuke ESPN, saye x pndai drive manual sbb takut, etc. but saye pun ade boy side mcm saye rase saye kuat physically krn saye boleh tolak almari besar, angkat katil sorg2 (ikot berat), buat kerja2 laki mcm panjat tangga betulkan lampu, boleh tarik teh mcm mamak, etc. i guess that makes me normal :)

13. no one can force me to stop what i want to do or buy :P

14. saye tak suke tgk cerita yg memerlukan saye mengguna emosi yang berlebihan..mcm cerita sedih..sbb saye .. just don't like it.. saye lebih suke kepada cerita more to romances and actions. something that makes my otak segar jek and xmengantok!

15. saye suke cakap cepat2 kadang2 dalam satu nafas je. and ketawa pun bubu cakap saya mcm xcukup nafas. so funny. saye salu jd bahan gelak bubu.

16.  i love making my own decision. people can say their point of view to me as reference. but the one who decide would be me. my big boss(abah) train me to be that way. so saye definitely x kan ubah.

17. most of my Friends said that i can get along with many people. but the truth is. only certain very little people i can fit myself with. trust me guys!

18.  saye tak suke procastinate! xsuke sbb nanti saye cepat gelabah!

19. saye tak suke show my real feeling or sometimes i just forgot how to do that. but doesn't mean saye hipokrit okie. i feel comfy when i'm doing that.

20. i'm a movie-buff!

21. i feel awkward at times

22.  take a look back no 19. ok dah??. pastu saye sebenarnye mmg xsuke cakap feeling tapi i x pandai sorok guna muke, if i dislike things i would show it on my face. i couldn't help it. so eventually org akan tau ape saye rase nanti. sebenarnya memang nak orang tahu ape yg saye rase. grrrr

thanks for the time guys, ;)

Dan sebenarnya,
-Atia- not yuna (hehe) peace V

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

TODAY is WEDnessssdaYYYY

Salam and have a wonderful weds to ols ;)

nothing much to say, lately i silently learn a few things about i don't know how to say it specifically.. maybe i could label it as life. 

*i am a fighter but a fighter who always malas to fight and that makes me angkat bendera putih really soon. i'm grateful that i have someone who has succesfully escalates my spirit back and makes me fight til the end. thanks for that. profusely :)

*Selain itu, i learn about my previous sins. (HAHA) sorry, eventhough it's not funny but i found it pretty amusing. i wish i didn't do that and i really hope i could fix some people's heart back. but i know, as we already move on, we create new chapters of life. and that makes me more concern about that new story, so i could be there to prevent that thing to happen again. i am happy enough if i could help :)

*i am back to be a good friend and a good listener. 
*i learn people's types in the world and try to menguasai every each one of the character.
*i learn about myself. the true colour of myself. and the music that i really2 love.
*i promise not to easily giving up and give myself more chance. not to forget to continue master (insyaALLAH)
*i just want to make them proud. to u mom, dad, sibs and bubu .yes :)

Me, myself and i,

Monday, January 17, 2011

THE HATRED DAY ^@^ pissed off

Salam and haloo-haloo guys. peace V ;)

today is the H-day for me after mengalami kemarahan terkumpul sejak beberapa tahun/bulan/hari yang lepas! i seldom post entry yang melibatkan marah and marah. but today i don't care what'll happen saye nak post jugek! step yang pertame untuk meraikan perasaan marah/sugul ini ialah dengan mentaip besar-besar ape yang saye benci and jerit dalam hati sekuat-kuatnye. so step one activated,  i hate ORANG YANG PILIH BULU! they just put me on my nerve. if tumbuk orang is legal i will punch this kinda person straight on their plastic faces! i know it wouldn't hurt much cuz they come from special materials which is PLASTIC! kadang-kadang orang macam ni bukan kacau orang lain pun but their annoyance tu sangat mengganggu! and menambah-nambah dosa manusia yang x sekutu ngan diorg ni. THEY MAKE ME WANNA CURSE BAD WORDS. i mean REALLY-REALLY BAD! tell this people what, people comes in various packages. just accept them the way they are la! i mean like in-born traits. kalau 'junkies' kau tak nak pun x pe. i understand. sila lah berubah. as a friend, terase worr bila lu cari gua when ade something jek. bila takde, balas wallpost susah. (memang nak bagi hint pun). kalau msg tu saye phm la awk kedekut ke abis cdt kan? to me u're not even a friend pun and not qualified to be one! i just hope these people'll change la. ur idiotic in public relations got my concern and sympathy. if u don't wanna change ke ape, x pe thats hak asasi. just don't appear in front of my eyes and disappear from my life okie. PEACE [V]
totally grrr,

ATIA keep on rocking with her diary! ;]

Salam and greetings to the world citizen! happy monday everyone! smile ;) tajuk kali ni adelah bersifat sedikit sarcasm. but not referring to any particular person but myself. actually currently i tak ada minat terbaru or experiencing something extra-ordinary so less story to share. meaning, this blog akan back to format journal harian @ diari. how boring atiaaa~...yes! sorry but i do not care (campak botol byk2) -DIARY ACTIVATED- wuhhu ;)))) depends on classes jugak. yaa senang i nak curi line at campus wakaka. i pay for it what. sooo just shut up ur mouth. lolz. do i care if the management here is like sucks? u are not my other half. so, dont u ever2 obstruct me to do what i wanna do. if u brave enough. try me! i will shot u back! padan muke! ;p

today i feel like i am 16 again. hahaha. but i always feel that way when i'm with him (mr. bubu) ;) well. i pretend to be what i'm not. but as a human being, i can't never like what i dislike or dislike what i like. so there u go, the unsolved problems. i keep arguing, but i don't know. who am i trying to convince. is it the other party? or myself. today i comfort myself by telling my decisions are right. every decision i made is right. but why i always feel skeptical about it. why i need explainations for every act i take. love isn't easy. no one tells that. so, every single "isn't easy" thing needs sacrifice n u have to fight for it. never give up. yes!

love made some people no human. jealousy, greedy, ungrateful, rivalry, self-centred etc. cuz love has no training. love is only a feeling. feeling that controls by heart, minorly.. mind. again, am i talking about myself. ;) yaa, right now. missing bubu, makes me feel like going crazy. meroyan! haha. love should make oneself feels secure. securely positioned. but what happens if everyday is another race and worries? 

last but not least, i'm not an expert. been there.
if love has no end, then how could the lovers end?

OMG, do i look so mulut murai? too much speak off something that yaa not the most important part for me now. gosh! i lead an unorganized life once again is it hard for me to live without a family here. or maybe i am too family oriented person? alone and loneliness once they come..why they'll stop by lama2? why can't they just leave sooner.. like happiness and laughters always do? [sometimes loneliness is more loyal companion than laughters and joy] 

just merepek,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

ATIA IN MELAKA??? wawawawawa ;]

Salam and happy fri people, smile ;)

Hey guys, atia kat melaka sudah. peace peace. kite sampai melaka dah semalam at six. bubu fetch kite kat station. hari nie kite ada registration kat kampus. everything settled. cume tunggu attend class jek. semalam the whole nite kite xboleh lelap kan mata nie. donno y. kite rasa sebab nya kat rumah dah biasa tido lewat pagi. biasa la kite kan tinggal kat oversea. kelantanfornia. hahaha. rindu sgt kat my sisters. terngiang ngiang lagik suara dorang bising2 ketawa2 kat telinga kite nie. please, tears dont fall. huarghhh! bubu lak busy ngan exams. im alone! kite x boleh hidup mcm nie. freaking bored. donno what to do plus no tv here. makes me feel nak menjerit sekuat kuat nya. i need people yg boleh entertain me at least kn xde la kite sunyi sangat. sorry guys, no mood. no ideas to write. c u guys, peace.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

HEADING BACK to MALACCA 2niteeeee ;[

Salam and a very good morning guys, begin ur day with a smilee on ur face ;))

Tonite me akan berlepas ke Melaka. sob sob sob. tapi hati ni x sabar mahu jumpa bubu. at the same time berat hati jugak sebab terpakse meninggalkan family dan juge all the foods here. my comfy bed here. i'm going to miss them a lot. susah kat sana nanti nak makan makanan yang ada kat sini. going to miss my mum dishes, of course. tp even berat macamane pun saya terpaksa head ke sana. tugas berat menanti di sana. tugas sebagai student. sangat berat jugak sebab ianya adalah harapan ramai pihak kepada saya. bubu menanti saya di sana. tp bubu sibuk sikit sebab currently bubu tengah exams. after finished exams baru we all meet up. saya x mahu disturbing him. bubu cakap nak dapatkan 4.00 sem nie. bagus bagus. u must hit the target. thats what i said. dalam hidup kite kena ada target sejauh mana kita nak capai. like what bubu did. i know he can do it. cume efforts kena kasik cow cow sikit la. nanti dah sampai sana mesti boring gile. kelas kompom x start pada masanya. dok kat umah membungkang je la. opss banyak naw merungut. x pe ni last sem kat melaka. kena manfaat kn setiap masa kat sana ni. especially bila bersama bubu. hehe. ;)) ok la guys. nak pack barang-barang then pergi shopping kejap as usual if nak balik melaka. shopping needs stuff. c ya dearies, continues atia's story in melaka soon. ;* odios, peace [V]

Miss u,

Sunday, January 9, 2011

SUPERHERO, Faizal Tahir a.k.a superman malaysia

Salam guys ;)

Entry malam ni khas untuk my superhero, mr. Faizal Tahir. kompom korang tengok AJL tadik kan? menyampah betol. ponet den nengok. most of the contestants did a very best performance especially incik superman kite la. u are so creative man. i'm fall in love with u ;). love ur songs gila2. ur performance for selamat malam such a sweet and adorable moment. meremang gak segala buu ni. best gila. saya bkn main confident lg u boleh menang. siap beating dengan my sisters. but then saya kalah sbb u are not in a top 3. but, for the best performance, exactly u deserve it babe. if u x dpt, memang i x boleh tido malam. hehe. upset sikit la bila u x menang. all of my fbians totally disagree with the results. the judges buta warna kot. hehe. whatever it is, u tetap hebat di hati saya.;) i'm one of ur huge fans! love ya. peace [V]

superhero, u rawrkkk! <3



Salam and happy sunday ols, peace sume V

Hari ini saya cik (belom kawin lg coz xde org nak hehe) Atia Mohamad a.k.a GG sangat-sangat merindui the good old days with her best friends ever (the gals), lots of sweet and sour ;) memories we faced together through thick and thin. they are yaya azman, cik azie ikmal and syasya adnan. they are such a sweet people that i have ever seen in my life. Kami punye trademark ape tau, suka gelak kuat-kuat xhingat dunia. dinding tu boleh merekah wa ckp lu, dengar kami punye ketawa. Ingat lagi, kami punye bilik di hostel dekat jek dengan cafe. so then, brother2 yg keje dekat cafe tu selalu dengar kami punye hingar bingar tu. then mula la kami menjadi attention brother2 tu. di saat tu jugek la kami rapat dengan mereka. order makan pun pakai sms jek. kami sempoi jek. agak terkenal jugek suatu ketika itu. haha. well. yela sume top-top students, saya jek yg xberapa nak top sangat la ketika itu. cool jek. biase2 jek. dorg bertiga memang top students. saya jek yang sedikit low profile masa tu. ;) sekarang dua org dah kawin iaitu pn. azie ikmal and pn. syasya adnan. tinggal lagi dua org yg masih single mingle, iaitu cik yaya azman and saya laa yg terlebih comel nie. ;) lom sampai jodohnya, bukan xlaku ye! laku tu tetap laku macam pisang panas okeh. wahh, saja nak kasi bingat suasana sikit. show off sekali sekala ape de hal. mereka bertiga sume keje kt KL, saya jek tersesat kat melaka ni. agaknya ade la hikmahnya tu. hikmahnya, saya jumpe bubu saya kat sini. terjumpa jodoh di sini. hehe. azie keje in accounting field, syasya plak bahagian HR and cik yaya kita keje PDRM. dan cik atia plak cikgu laa ape lagi. opss study lom abis lg lolz. nak tengok kesayangan-kesayangan saya x. ini la mereka. jom cikidouttt ;) kite zass..

atia, yaya and syasya
the specky gals

pic nie di snap lepas we ol lepak kat umah syasya
p/s: sya, sorry pic ko half jek ;p

azie and atia

saat ni masa kitorang dgr ceramah ape ntah dah lupe
p/s: masa nie skema gila saya an

these are the good old days i'm going to miss in the years ahead. gals,keep all the memories together till end of life. u guys meant so much to me. miss u guys and love never end. odios, ketemu lagi ya. chow chin chow. peace, smile ;)

Miss u guys, 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Incik RESULT sudah KELUAR ;]

Salam all and have a nice weekend ;))

yay! Results sudah kuar!! i just got 3.70. ape ape pun. alhamdulillah. xde la teruk sgt (bak kata bubu) jahat kan bubu. siap ckp sy banyak main- main lagi. dia suruh sy struggle lebih lg for next sem. itu sudah semestinya (katanya sy) tp dating manyak jugek. ;)) whatever it is, i should be grateful to ALLAH for what i got and do not easily regret for what i have or achieve. AllAH plan the very best for us. i'm not proud to myself at all, all i did, totally i just want make them proud. both parents and bubu! thanks a lord of the ring (hehe bak kata zizan n johan) to u guys. u guys always inspired me to be a somebody that meant for everyone. i held that phrases all the time as a spirit to achieve good at something. and the outcomes i attain right now makes me warms from inside to be more better and better person someday. aminn.. last but not least, to all my coursemates..congrats guys for the results. keep it up ur great2 work for next coming sems. odios, peace people [V] n smilee ;)

Ur faithfully,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

SHOULD I expect something for only one reason?

Salam and have a nice thurs all ;)

guys, my results are coming out on this weekend. arrrgghhh. oh no! for now i can feel the smell of envy to other peeps who get the higher results. then for sure i'm keep on thinking and questioning myself why i couldnt get what they get. atia, just stop to think kinda something that weird. haha. i'm totally do not expect anything. normally, the things we do not expect, happen more frequently than we wish. i just dnt wanna feel down if i dont get the results that i dream for. i just live frugally on surprise. i think thats most better. hopefully everything gonna be okay. dear results, please please please and please dont let me down. i can only hope for the best. i think my parents and bubu are going to expect a lot from me, as they should. quite nervous if i couldnt give them as best as what they expect me to be. my goal was just to learn and study hardly. i didn't ever expect to be a best student or famous among peers. i wanted to be a person who get a good outcomes because of working harder not just get something easily without giving my own efforts. the harder i work the more i have of it. thats what i want. its simple, never expect people to treat u any better than u treat urself. usually, if i feel down on my luck, i just check back the level of efforts given. for sure, to get a good results, i have to sacrifice more, but this is not a requirement of success, it is a requirement of achieve good at something that i want to achieve. guys, pray for me ya! Yaa Almighty, please help me to attain my dreams and needs that i long for. aminn ;) odioss guys, love and peace ya [V] ;*

Lots of love,

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bubu IN THE NEXT 30years ;]

Salam and happy weds to all, smileee sume ;) this time bubu punye celita lagi. i love to share everything about him to everyone especially my sisters. suke time pillow stories with them. cite pasal boyfie masing-masing and any kind of gossiping cth pasal somebody yg kami suke and xsuke. biasanya artis, peeps, relatives and seangkatan dengannya. pastu gelak besar-besar macam nak runtuh rumah, then suddently abah datang membebel. kompom! silent kejap je shortly after sambung balik. wakaka. ok let start the bubu stories. jom cekedaouttttt ;)

Bubu, sorry for this entry..hehe its time to MENYAKAT bubu. padan muke! ;p . but i do love that. smile n cheezee bubu. ;p.. just now masa saya access my facebook acc, one of my fbian used the website ( so without think much and melengahkan masa saya try la. sound fun. actually pic saya pun saya buat jugek but i just keep it for myself. hehe. so pic bubu je saya jadikan tatapan. bubu maintain handsome what even i think bubu at this time is around 55 something. rasenya kite dah ade cucu kot time ni;) (insyaALLAH kalau ada jodoh yg panjang) aminn..doa-doakan kami ye! mekasih ;) 

bubu 30years in future
u're good look enough bubu ;)

when i look at this pic, senyum kat bibir ni xlekang pn. suka tengok bubu. look a little bit differ. dah tua biasa la. umur and rupa biar tua, tapi the love tetap forever and ever (bak kata org putih) sorry bubu for this pic. saja-saja jek mahu nyakat awak. tp saya punye pic private sebab macam xcantik jek.hehe. sorry once again bubu. smilee. peace peace kacang peace [V] ;D

kind regards, 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


salam and not too late to wish a very happy new year to all the readers ;) enjoying this year with flying colors and new hopes, hopefully u guys will achieve the things that u desired all along ur journey soon. pray for that. aminn..

on dis coming 8th jan, bubu terpaksa menempuh exam, his final exam for this sems, so then saya pulak yang cuak and nervous. bubu so busy recently, so pity to him, he dnt have enough time to catch up all the notes, i'm quite worried about him. all i can do is just keep on ingatkan dia, study n study. balik keje dah penat, rehat lagi, masa and keje yang bertimbun makes me itself makin cuak tgk bubu. risau nanti, dia tu cepat stress. hopefully bubu okay jek jawab exam soon. i always wish u well, hope everything turns out better 4 u soon bubu. may ALLAH be with u always. aminn.. may u impress me nanti ;)). i know u can do it. bubu, to accomplish a great things, we must not only dream, but also act, not only plan but also believe in yourself that u can do it. i really hope that bubu will do the best as he can. chayok bdk bucuk!

lastly, bubu.. i wish u "All the very best of LUCK" . with love, atia makwenye bubu ;)) on9th plak, saya dapat results. takutnya nak view. bubu cakap nak view kn untuk saya. maluuunya. dah tengok tu jangan nak complain2 eh. ;)) moga results saya more better than before. odios, peace no war [V]

With love,